Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Victory of Christmas

The message of Christmas is often lost in the busy moments, and what seems to be general revelry to those who do not understand the meaning of this Christian holiday.

But above all the message of Christmas is one of VICTORY.

It is a message that no matter how difficult our Earthly situation may become, no matter how impoverished, how lonely, how sick, how desperate, how injured, and how persecuted we may find ourselves on Earth - we will still find VICTORY.

The victory is in the Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ and his mercy to all of us, even the most unworthy sinner among us, who repents and asks for forgiveness, and accepts him.

This is why Christians find the holiday of Christmas so important, not just to their Earthly life, but also to their Eternal lives.  With their faith in Jesus Christ, Christians find victory over all and every Earthly trouble and anxiety, even the grave itself will not hold victory over the Eternal life of those who believe.

So as the world challenges us, threaten us, and persecutes us, as we find difficulties in many, many lives, let us never forget that the message of Christmas is one of Eternal Hope and one of Eternal VICTORY - over all.

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